You have the power within to ‘turn the page’ & turn your life around
I help people who want to retire early and boost their pension pot to bring joy into their life and create financial freedom.
Over the past few years, you may be feeling any or a mixture of these but please be reassured that, just like the virus, they are NOT permanent:
You have the power within to ‘turn the page’ & turn your life around.
For help with unleashing your power within & writing your next chapter, contact me today to enquire about the hugely successful & life changing silent counselling therapy.
Shape your own story & shape a life of soul centred joy.

What does it mean to reawaken?
Well it basically means to wake up again, to wake from slumber - to emerge. All of these ‘R’ words are really similar to reawaken but I think ‘reconnect’ is my favourite & most fitting.
Maybe you’re a mother to grown-up children who have flown the nest, perhaps you are winding down to retirement & stuck in a mundane job?
Maybe you are divorced, widowed, menopausal, lonely with little to no hobbies & just going through the motions?
Feeling dissatisfied, unfulfilled & slightly trapped with your mediocre life - like something is missing?
You - you are missing! You are merely existing! For years you have put everybody else first before yourself.
A compulsive caregiver. You have put your wisdom, skills & dreams to the side in order to take care of the personal business of your life. Some call this ‘the invisible suffering’ of so many women. You only get one life.
You absolutely need to reconnect to you & reconnect to your dreams! So do you have dreams? Do you remember your most sacred dreams or can you reignite them?
Re-examine them & uncover the power hidden within them. Dream big & do what makes your heart sing Anything is possible. You have the capacity to inspire, create, transform, shine your light & improve our world I hope this awakens something in side of you
"Reignite Your Childhood Dreams & Passion For Life!"
Sherry Cannon-Jones

"With a kind heart and a strong mind, your opportunities are limitless"
Sherry Cannon-Jones